Christmas holidays have begun for the little ones. My niece, Aarya, came home for a day and filled the day with her drawings, childlike innocence (this, I mention ‘coz this 10 years old likes herself to be called a grown-up), curious questions and talks.
One thing that I do quite often is, conveniently slide some boring tasks to kids by flattering them. “I know you can do this job well. Let me see your skills”, and such statements are enough to ready the kids and get the job done, more-so, a job well done! Quite mean on my part, but it is fun to be involved with kids as they do this ‘job’ for you. It’s a chance to be a kid yourself and join the naughty brigade. You may have some hazy memories of your own childhood, but the child in you is always ready to play its role for sometime. As the kid is doing the ‘job’ you also need to become a commentator and appreciate every task that they perform, be it just moving a paper and placing it where it is supposed to be!
When Aarya had come home the other day, once again I shifted the boring task of arranging the old Marathi and English newspapers as separate stacks. This is a very unexciting and unimportant task for me but, for her, it was a fun task to do. Why? I wondered. There were some papers stacked separately, and those left were to be piled in those lots. But kids as they are, Aarya pulled all the newspapers out from the rack and sat in the middle of the sea-of-papers.
I had already done my part by flattering her for her skills to do any work tidily (this work was no where related for the need to be neat and tidy, but still ;-) ) and quickly (which was my concern, else mom would scold me for the mess and also for little Aarya doing this work – who had come at Aji’s to play). Oh, and i even added that 'Aarya even I cannot do this work as good as you can!' ;-)
I must say, she made this dull task appear to be so much fun! As she was bundling up the Marathi and English papers separately, she would read out some sentences or headlines to me, which gave her a sense of pride. “See, I can read the newspaper now. Even the Marathi sentences!”, she exclaimed, of course expecting a pat on her back :-) She went on to read few lines, see pictures and could even recognize some people in those. This was very exciting for her, and as she separated the papers, it kept unfolding for me as to how such a lame task (according to me) be so much fun? As I had flattered her, she did her 'job' really well – tidily and quickly, and of course better than me :-)
While doing this assigned job, she pointed out a query, which startled me. I had asked her to pile up separate Marathi and English newspapers. She was doing it well, until she came across some supplements of the Marathi paper that had names in English! ‘Property Today’, ‘Classifieds’, ‘Lifestyle’, ‘Uth Tube’, ‘Jobz’, etc. She asked me innocently, “Now where should I place these papers? They have names in English, but all the content is in Marathi! Should I stack these separately as well? These are neither completely English, nor Marathi”. I had a hearty laugh on this, to which even she joined me, but rather puzzled. Her query had me thinking for a while, and I even concluded that wasn’t she right? Her doubt had a point there after all.
I had no logical answer to this, which she kept demanding. I could not provide her Marathi names for the English titles of these supplements. All I could say was, that’s the way it is, these names are catchy and are now popular. She resumed her task as she kept that query aside (maybe she understood that I really couldn’t answer) and kept the fun rolling with her reading and staring at pictures.
While I was posting this, I saw the title of my earlier post ‘Agar Biscuits Nahi Hote Toh Mera Kya Hota…’. Yet again I had a hearty laugh, without bothering myself to reason :-)