The alarm rings and there you go, trying to set it after five minutes. Again a beep, and now you just can’t delay any further. Take a glimpse of your own life when it comes to reaching office in time
Waking up early to get ready for school was what we practiced for years. But then mom was there to take care of our timings. Most of us must have been in a stage where we start taking care of ourselves. But then, came the college days when we were somehow (consciously / unconsciously) moulded into a carefree attitude. Does it happen co-incidentally that we are occupied with lot of work, be it studies, gatherings, competitions or some other important work (?) that leaves us with no time? These were the best possible reasons’ that came to our rescue. And, because we have been tired due to such overwhelming tasks, it was sometimes understood at home and were granted permission for an off for a lecture or may be a day’s off. Remember the grin you expressed after that? However, those were days when we could somehow manage things according to how we wanted.
Now, when we are working professionals, we get back to our school days. Wake up early, get ready in time and reach office in time. And, we cannot manage this according to our wish, as we were accustomed to during our college days. The only thing we have to manage is, reach office in time. Though we manage to be on time for work, it is quite a task to achieve this. When you get some free time in between your work, make a retrospect. Do not go much in to past, but only going back to that morning would do. Because, it is almost the same every morning. Isn’t it? Read on to get a glimpse of our daily schedule.
We all share the same hassles. Most of us are sailing in the same boat everyday. And this goes for all our colleagues, right from the one with whom you share a bay in office to even the manager. You set the alarm for every morning, but do not wake up at the first beep. You keep postponing the alarm until a time when you just cannot delay further. Now, finally when you make an attempt to rise from the bed, you have no time to spare than to hurry for office. Every move is fast-forwarded. Brushing, bathing, donning that perfectly ironed office wear and sometimes you have to iron it because you returned home late the last night, breakfast (which we have to skip most of the times) and then finally, heading towards our workstation.
And this does not end here. On our way, we are bound to get a red signal and cannot help but await the green signal. Though it is a matter of waiting for a mere minute, this is the time when we ponder over the urgency of reaching in time and decide to start early the next day. Some are successful in putting it in practice on the next day itself, some a few days later and most of us are still struggling to see the dawn of the next day when we will reach office in time and in no hurry.. Once you park your vehicle near office, you heave a sigh of relief and rush to reach your desk. It adds to your frustration when there is no current and you have to take the steps.
And then, finally you land in your chair after all the morning juggles. Shouldn’t it be called an achievement to battle against time to land up for work? However, if you manage to shift gears and be able to be part of those few who work against the juggles from the very next day itself, which will be the real achievement. It should however not matter until you are in time and doing well at work. Talk to your colleagues today and have a laugh at your shared experiences. It will be very relaxing, at the same time, an eye-opener. Reaching office in time will let you keep yourself actively involved in the office chores and you will not feel left out. You will also save the embarrassment you might face at the hands of your boss. Your office arrival time is recorded and plays an important role when appraisals are due.
Time… we all keep cribbing that there is so little time. Most of the times when we take up a job, it is almost an instant reaction that we think of less time in hand. This cribbing gives way to further dissatisfaction and we think that we are working with so many constraints. Even 24 hours a day might not suffice in that case. Sometimes it is imperative to hurry and cope with the available time. But this should not become part of our habit that is bound to create nuisance some day.
Next time when you postpone your alarm for the next five minutes, think whether you are doing justice to your work. So much of hard work goes in a day and reaching late at office might make your efforts void. Mere five minutes can decide your success.
1 comment:
Hey d r..
I think u r right.
I appreciate ur feelings which will be expressed in this blog.
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